CAMBION “Conflagrate the Celestial Refugium” Released
“Conflagrate the Celestial Refugium” delivers an impeccable death metal blasphemy full of irresistible, top-tier musicianship and blasting lunacy. The relentless hammering and piercing solos which assault the listener right from the start won’t fade–out until the last second of the record. Along the way, though, Cambion demonstrates different ways and advancements in how to utilize utter sonic destruction while retaining enough variety within and between the songs. When the last song of the album is over, there’s no doubt Cambion belongs to a league of its own.
Cambion has brought back the tradition of speed-obsessed, blasphemous Death Metal: Revitalized and up–to–date. You won’t hear more intense and more Metal record than this in 2021 and in general.
- Buy CD + free Bandcamp download from Lavadome Store
- Buy Digital version from Bandcamp.
Released, March 26, 2021

!T.O.O.H.! “Free Speech” – New Album Released
!T.O.O.H.!, the progressive, experimental death/grind duo returns with its fifth, twelve song album „Free Speech“! More than ever before, the album blends progressive and experimental approach altogether without losing any of the viciously grinding, metallic drive. The songs may be rather short but the technicality, song arrangements and layering have an extra depth. “Free Speech” will get you out of your comfort zone and smash everything in the manners typical for no one but !T.O.O.H.!.
- Buy CD + free Bandcamp download from Lavadome Store
- Buy Digital version from !T.O.O.H.! Bandcamp.
Released, November 17, 2020

ATHANATHEOS “Prophetic Era (Or How Yahveh Became The One)” Released
The second album by AthanaTheos is another stone in the foundation of the multi–album concept that AthanTheos decided to create. It further pursues the atheistic journey. Musically, forged of majestic, brutal, epic, dissonant Death/Black Metal elements, “Prophetic Era” is a coherent and captivating opus which step–by–step unfolds the story of cinematic and literary proportions.
Released June 30, 2020

SOMNIATE “The Meyrinkian Slumber” Released
Somniate are a new and coming band committed to the blistering way of Black Metal primarily rooted in the French sound (Aosoth, VI, Temple of Baal, early Svart Crown) enhanced with creative and elaborate song writing, all of which give Somniate an identity of its own and makes “The Meyrinkian Slumber” a truly excellent and strong debut conceptually based on the novel “The Golem” by Gustav Meyrink. A tale of searching for the ascension through identity shifts, alchemical concepts and suffering, all set in a distorted Kafka-like vision of Prague.
Released June 30, 2020

“Infernal Comedy”
A plunge into Dante’s Inferno. This time, it’s Ad Vitam Infernal guiding the way. Fast Death Metal the way it should be.

Gravitating dissonance of self devouring transcendence. Old school in its core, contemporary in its vision.

“The Forbidden City”
The artisans of Ancient Oriental Death Metal have unearthed a monolith of extraordinary brutality.

HORROR GOD “Cursed Seeds” Released
Horror God’s new album explores its own brand of dissonant Death Metal. The band has taken another step in experimenting to create a very distinct musical output. The result has become a complex, musically and emotionally multi-layered, outstanding album.
Buy CD + free Bandcamp download from Lavadome store
Digital version is available from Lavadome Bandcamp.
Released September 27, 2019

TOTALITARIAN “Bloodlands” | Barren Void Records
Officially distributed through Lavadome Productions.
The second output by TOTALITARIAN contains six gospels of unprecedented aggression and misanthropic nihilism. “Bloodlands” is a devious creation feasting on the inhumanity, destruction. Stop staring into the abyss, start falling. Now.
Digipak edition can be obtained from Lavadome store.
Digital version is available at Bandcamp.
Released April 12, 2019

ESKHATON – Omegalitheos Released
History has proven majority of Death / Black Metal bands softens up on full-lengths number three. Some at least keep up their artistic integrity. ESKHATON has got no such plans for the LP record number three. This is TOTAL DEATH. Get possessed.
Released June 20, 2018